Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rajeev's relative deviation theory

Rajeev's relative deviation theory.

Relative deviation theory.

There are just three dimensions in real. All three dimension event (that is intra atmospheric system real calculation) is also four, five and multi-dimension event simultaneously at same moment, on inter-atmospheric virtual calculation. It is considered as a relative deviation from pseudo origin point in inter-atmospheric system for virtual calculation. Final measurement of both the inter atmospheric system virtual calculation and intra atmospheric system real calculation are one and only undoubtfuly three dimension event.

Key words:-
Universal truth of dimension, relativity and deviation. There are three dimensions only. Fourth and multi-dimension is virtual appearance in inter atmospheric measurement. This virtual appearance is nothing but a deviation of system. This calculation is relative deviation. Whereas both of first case and last case is measured by three dimension only.

When we calculate distance travelled by a car, that is just two dimension calculation. When we calculate distance travelled by flying aeroplane, that is three dimension. When we calculate distance traveller by satellite towards moon, that is Four dimension. When we calculate distance travelled by satellite towards planet, that is five dimensional. When we calculate distance travelled by space crafts towards other galaxy, that is multi dimensions.
But all these multi dimension events are finally calculated on three dimension method, as an inter atmospheric relative deviation from pseudo origin point.

Concept Heading:-
We have an standard method to measure distance and dimention travelled from the origin point O. Length, bridth and height from origin point of measurement. Either an starting point before projection or measurement of distance from us. This is simple three dimension theory. But it is based in event at single atmosphere.

Relative deviation.

When Y threw a ball in a bus at parking. It reach in basket at roof of bus in T seconds. And location of ball is LBH. At the same moment of projection, the bus had started its journey. Bus travel in direction of projection by D feet in T seconds. Z is sitting at parking platform out side the bus, has also measured the location of ball. Origin point of Y is pseudo origin point O2 that remain same in knowledge of Y. He is right, if bus is the final atmosphere. Unfortunately Y is wrong. Bus is not the last atmospheric system, if measurement is done from the standard origin point O of Z standing out of atmospheric system of bus. Z was in second atmospheric system. B2 remains same and H2 remains same in both case. But Z notice the ball has its L2 became L+D feet. This changes in length L has been termed here as a Relative deviation.

Relative multi deviation.

While same events was happening. Let Z has recorded the case of previous projection from a camera fixed at Sun. That camera recorded two extra deviation in first atmospheric system of earth. That moved some distance D1 (that cause B and H changes in B1 and H1) in new dimension by spin motion of earth on pole by 360T/(24×60×60) degree. And also moved by next distance D2 by {length of axis/(365×24×60×60)}+D. Location of ball in knowledge of Y is same LBH. Since he is in first atmospheric system than Z. So Z terms his origin as pseudo origin point O2. And location of ball from Z's origin point O will be calculated considering respective motion/motions of first system in comparison to the second system. Here considering relation between Sun and Earth. Axis and polar two more motions should cause relative deviation in new dimension during calculating location of ball from standard origin point O at Sun.
This can be termed as Relative multi deviation. Word deviation is synonym of multi deviation. Hence it is always termed as Relative deviation.

Each points in universe can be easily located and measured in three dimension from its origin. Either it is in intra atmospheric system or inter atmospheric system. Origin stands for point of starting, for projection. This projection happens in an atmospheric system in universe. Universe has multiple atmospheric system in several layers. They are balanced in nature with their regular movements. Same event of projection in relative measurement of inter atmospheric system, has difference due to the regular motion of atmospheric systems. That cause deviation of atmosphere along with the event of projection. This final point of projection from an axis of inter atmospheric system, can also be measurable by three dimension only. But the second measurement from the axis of inter atmospheric system is relative deviation measurement. And this event is relative deviation.

Invented by

Dr Rajeev Kumar
What'sapp and mobile 0091-9654909233

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