Sunday, June 22, 2014

Theory and Project of Dianomo E-car

Theory is flight of imagination. Theory is a postulate. We know when fuel engines was invented in early twentieth century that bring revolution in automobile industries. Which gave us few corporate like GM, Ford etc. Now just after one century of that day, we are at early twenty first century. We are heading towards problems like:
- global warming,
- pollution,
- lasting resources of energy production. Example - coal, crude oil stock, nuclear elements etc.
We are focused to alternate energy sources. These are e-engines, solar engines, wind engines etc. They are economic and pollution free but have some short of reliability. Off course if we review the shorts in our concepts, we found some minor mistakes by R&D.

We Like to catch attention of R&D and UNO people talking about solution on global warming, pollution and reliable/economic energy resources.
We use dynamo in train bogies to recharge battery when train is running. It gives dependency to produce needed electricity to that boggy.
We use alternator in fuel car to recharge batteries by running engine. That gives dependency for needed electricity to light the car.
Solar car/e-car can use joint concept of dynamo & alternator to recharge battery by dynamo when e-car/solar car is running; once engine may start running by the battery initially charged by electrical/solar energy.

I am requesting venture-ship on technology sharing by automobile companies, presentation at UNO, consultancy to Governments/ auto manufacturers like GM, Ford Motor, Nissan Motor, Chevorlet, Tata Motor, Mahindra Group, Toyota etc.

Data of energy consumption indicates that we are still consuming almost 5th part of energy consumed by China. Energy is ghost. More you increase, more it melts. China has big population like India. Consider consumer wise; ratio of population and energy consumption is still differ by long proportion. Consumption of energy may either prove productive; else un-necessary and uncontrolled use of energy is destructive. This energy consumption by China is productive. That's why the GDP and economic growth of China will continue until; consumption of energy will continue. This is why intentionally controlled and planned use of energy consumption in china causes of importing maximum mining ores and energy resources. Energy products burned in processing of mining ores in to pallets and finished product. This is also a root cause of industrial development, R&D, employments in country and finally economic growth of country. I like to remind the honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi and attention of his team of consultants to focus at this key of overall economic development. Yes The second part of this key for India will also be a historic. I need to get their attention on figure of energy consumption. We want this figure to be maintained. But production of energy should also be changed by effect of social movements. India was messenger of peace for human life and social life. We preserve petroleum resources, hydro resources, coal resources and other resources of energy. We send message to world; to say no to these petroleum, coal, hydro etc resource consumption for production of energy. We decrease consumption of these resources and increase dependency on wind, solar and mechanical resources to produce energy. Finally use the maximum consumption of energy inspired by China. That will give us great satisfaction of becoming great economy of world with protecting earth reserve and solving global warming problems to balance the eco-system.

Please contact me for details: To Inventor:- Dr Rajeev Kumar, +919654909233